
Thursday, 12 February 2015


I am gonna show you how you can make money from reviewing, grading and
commenting internet marketing product. I have divided the whole process into
the following steps. Follow the whole process and I am sure you gonna make
money from now.

Step-1: Finding an USA IP

There are several ways of getting a US IP. Like we can use socks proxy,
iprental or many other paid services. But I have tested the site with free VPN
proxy and still now it is working very well. I recommend using the following
process to find and US ip:

-> Go to Hotspot Shield. Download the free VPN software from there.

->Install the software in your computer.

-> Open Opera web browser.

-> Now go to the taskbar of your computer and find the icon of the hotspot
shield. Right click on it and click on the connect button.

-> Your VPN will be started in seconds. It will show that it is connected.

-> Now go to MYIP.NET - What's my IP address? Website estimation, Whois,
Alexa rank, Google PageRank, Indexed, IP Reverse and check your IP. It will
show an US ip.

Now we have completed our first step. I recommend using hotspot shield VPN
because it is fast, free and most of the time you will get same IP. If you are
from USA skip this part.

Step-2: Getting US Identity

Now we need an US identity. It will be used for filling account information and
some other works. Follow the below process:

-> There are some websites which provides fake US identity information for
free. We will use one of them. I prefer to use Generate a Random Name - Fake
Name Generator This site generates random information. You can choose the
gender, name types etc.

-> Now go to Generate a Random Name - Fake Name Generator and generate an
identity and save the page for further use. We will use it for different

For example I have generated a female US identity.

-> Now go to http://www.gmail.com and
open a new email address which sounds real to our new identity. Like my new
generated name is Charlotte J. Wheeler. So I am gonna register the email ID
charlotte.j.wheeler@gmail.com. Actually it is psychological.

We have completed our second step successfully. Now we have US ip and US

Step-3: Making Money

It is the most important part of our journey for money. We will use a site name
IMRC (IM Report Card) to make money. This site offers credits as rewards for
reviewing, commenting, grading and suggesting different types of products.
Their reward structure is as following:

Work Credits

Rate a review or other user’s comment 1 Credits

Grade a Product, Service, Person or Biz-Opp 10 Credits

Add your own comment to any review 50/100/150 Credits + *Bonus*

Suggest a new product, service, etc. for review 100 Credits

Refer another user to IM Report Card Whatever THEY earn!

Each credit has a money value.

1 Credit=$0.1

100 Credits=$1

Minimum Payout amount is $20. It pays via Paypal. So our target is to get daily
payment. To get $20 daily we have to earn 20*100=2000 Credits.

To earn 2000 Credits we have to do only 40 commenting. Is not it very easy????
Yes, it is . I will show you how you can do all the process safely and will
receive your earning daily. Follow me:

-> Go to IMRC.
->Create a new account. Use the newly generated US information and our new
email ID for signing up.

-> After signing up go to your profile page and try to fill up all the
information. Use your Paypal ID to receive your earnings. I recommend to fill
all the information and using an Avatar too. Get your affiliate link from your
profile page to promote your referral.

-> Now go to Home page and click on one of these links “Products, Services,
People, Biz-Opps and More”

-> You will be sent to the product list page. Find a product and click on
it. There are thousands of products for reviewing. So my recommendation is
start from the 1st one.

-> Go to the product page. My suggestion is read the product description
carefully to get an idea about the product. You can visit the product home page
too. Now scroll down to the page and click on the ADD A COMMENT.

-> You will be sent to the comment form. Fill up the form. To fill up you
can take help from other user’s review. Read them carefully and get an idea.
Grade the product according to other’s grading. Your comment needs to be at
least 100 words for being accepted. I recommend commenting at least 130 words.
It is for sure acceptance. After completing the form click on SUBMIT button.

By submitting this comment you will earn at least 60 credits. 10 credits for
grading the product and minimum 50 credits for reviewing.

Now go to the second product and review it. I suggest posting 35-45 comment
each day. Do not copy paste others comment. All the comments need approval from
admin. For this quality reviews are mandatory.

The whole process will take around 1 and ½ hour for the 1st day. You will not
get the money on the 1st day. You will start getting money from the second day.
When you will earn 2000 credits, request money. It takes 1 or 2 hour to get
money to the paypal.

Additional Way to Scale Up and Automating the Earning:

To scale up and automation the earning Suggesting Products and Referral are 2
great ways. Suggesting products offers 100 per suggestion. For suggesting
products you have to find out a product. Clickbank is the best place for
finding a new product. Go to clickbank and look for new products. Collect the
basic information like homepage URL, Name, Genre etc of the product and go to
IM Report Card - Suggest an Internet Marketing Product, Service or Person for
Review and fill up the form. My suggestion is to suggest maximum 5 products a
day. That means an extra $5 everyday.

For getting referrals use forums like Digitalpoint, Warrior Forum,
MoneyMakersDiscussions etc. You can also use craigslist for getting referrals.
Post work at home job type advertisement in CL’s job section and respond with
your affiliate link to the interested people. You will get a lot of referrals
in this way.

Safety Tips:

-> Never login without activating and checking the VPN proxy.

-> Never spam the review section with poor quality and copied comment.

-> Do not post more than 45 comments a day.

I think now you are ready to earn some money. I know $600 a month is not a very
big amount to many. But never ignore this………….
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Wednesday, 4 February 2015

5 Paid Traffic Source for Blogs

The prime thing for a blogger is to get traffic to his or her blog. But the important question is how you get traffic to your blog. There are two methods through which you can receive traffic to your blog. One is through the free traffic source, and the other is through Paid Advertising.
Getting free traffic demands lots of SEO Tasks or social activities, however, paid advertising gets you the right traffic and in quick time. Here I have listed down some top paid advertising sources through which you can get paid traffic and that too in a good amount. However, you have to invest some money to get traffic from these traffic sources.
In this article, I am not going to list any PPC option like Google AdWords or Bing as they are too costly and may not work great for blogs. This article will focus on other advertisement options which are cheap and effective. So go ahead and find out some great paid traffic sources for Blogs.

Paid Social Media Ads

Facebook - Facebook can be a vital channel for receiving paid traffic. For this, you need to advertise on Facebook. Visitors click on your Facebook advertisement and land on your Facebook page. You can alternatively send the visitors directly to your blog post. Through both of these channels, you get paid traffic to your blog. You can advertise your Blog’s Facebook Page, which can help you to gain traffic in the long run. Say you invested $1000 on advertising your Blog’s Facebook Page, and you got 5000 page likes. You can place Facebook Widget on your blog which will show how many people like your Facebook page, this increase visitor’s trust on your blog. Second whenever you post something on your Facebook page it will reach to your follower, and they can come to your blog to read your latest blog post, by this way you can gain visitors for a long time.
Facebook Ads
Twitter – As you may know Twitter have also started Advertising, by which you can promote your Tweets, and your Twitter profile. By this you can gain visitors to your blog, and can increase your Twitter followers who can come to your blog for long time same as I explained you about Facebook.
StumbleUpon – StumbleUpon offers Paid Discovery to promote your website. You can promote various blog posts on StumbleUpon; your blog post will be shown to people who are interested in your blog niche. With StumbleUpon if your blog post is getting good feedback than you can also get a lot of free traffic that is a win-win situation. You can advertise by targeting Location, Age, and Interest, etc.
Other Social Networking Site – You can advertise on various other social sites like Linkedin, Reddit, Pinterest, etc. Promoting on social sites can send you visitors for a long time and help you build a reputation for your blog and you.

PPV or CPV Traffic

Pay Per View or Cost Per View advertisement is one of the cheapest forms of advertisement online. PPV traffic comes from people who have installed Adware software or Plugins, which they install to get something for free, so it’s totally legal. On PPV, you can get a visitor at a low cost as much as $0.0002 per visitor, but it is a disturbance-based advertisement. To advertise on PPV, you target related website, blogs or keyword. (Example: If your blog is related to Car Insurance you can target Car Insurance provider website, other blogs related to car insurance or keywords like car insurance, cheap car insurance, etc.) Whenever visitor opens targeted website, a Pop-up will open with your website or blog.
If you are promoting your blog, I will suggest increase frequency cap say show your ad to same people after seven days. PPV traffic is disturbance based advertisement option it can hurt your blog reputation if you keep popping your website in every few minutes or hours.

Sponsored Blog Post

Sponsored or Paid Blog Post can be a good option to reach a large audience. To write a Sponsored Blog Post you search for some of the top blog related to your blog niche and find do they accept Sponsored or Paid Blog Post. You can request them to give “No-Follow” link so that don’t hurt their and yours blog on SEO. If a blog is getting thousands of visitors per day and you pay them to publish your blog post then you can gain lot of visitors, and can increase your branding. If that blog post ranked well on search engine results, you can gain visitors for a long time.
Sponsored Blog Post

In-Text Ads

In-Text ads can be a great source for paid traffic. In-Text ad converts a related text into a link, and when a visitor clicks the link it takes to advertiser website. In some In-Text ad networks moving mouse to the link create a popup with ad copy. In-text can be great as we click links to get more information and with In-Text ads this can fulfill advertiser’s requirement. Visitors get related information, so it converts great.
In-Text Ads

Mobile Ads

World is now at move; everyone have a Smartphone with Internet on it. Mobile market is growing a lot, and same applies for mobile advertisement. People need quick solution to their problem and Mobile phone is with them always, and they search for a solution from their mobile. Mobile advertisement can be a great solution to providing what they are looking for. If your blog is mobile optimized or your blogs theme is responsive, you can look at Mobile Advertisement. At present mobile advertisement provides cheap, but quality traffic. Mobile ads can be a great source to spread your blog at low cost.
Mobile Ads
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